Vue.js 3: The Composition API
An advanced course on Vue.js 3, the Composition API, TypeScript and Testing.
What is this?
This is a course on Vue.js 3, focused on the Composition API and TypeScript.
Although no Vue.js knowledge is assumed, we move fast, building out a blogging application like Reddit. Check out the final app here.
Testing is a first class citizen; you'll learn the latest version of Vue Test Utils from its author, and writing tests for everything.
We use the follow technologies:
Who is this for?
How do I get it?
You can buy it from me directly via Gumroad. Use VUEJS-COURSES to get $10 off at the checkout! Alternatively, you can buy it on Udemy.
Two ways. You can buy it on Udemy,
Gumroad will let you download all the content in one shot, in glorious 1080p.
Is there a preview?
You can preview the content on Udemy or get the source code here.
I have more questions!
Section 1: Composition API and Testing Basics
Section 2: Suspense and Building a Flux Store
Section 3: Vue Router, Creating Posts with Markdown and Syntax Highlighting
Section 4: User Sign Up, Validation and Reuseble Components
Section 5: Edit Posts, Authentication and Authorization
Section 6: Edit Posts, Authentication and Authorization
About the author
Hi there! I'm Lachlan, Vue.js team member and quality software enthusiast.
I have taught tens of thousands of developers how to write testable JavaScript applications through my courses, books and YouTube channel. I hope you will be next!
Find me on GitHub and Twitter or by just sending me a good old fashioned email.